Simple and Effective Herb Sachets for Protection

green witch, herbs sachets, protection magic, witch, witchcraft, spells, herb magic

We all want to feel protected, both in the physical realm and within our own energetic realm. Herb sachets are a wonderful tool for a witch to utilize when they require a little extra help in these areas. Herb sachets are easy to put together and can be made for a plethora of reasons from…

The Best Crystals to Use for Energy and Motivation

· Be the energy you want to attract. ·

crystal healing, crystal magic, crystal energy, witch, witchcraft, spirituality

Sometimes staying motivated or having enough energy to get through all of your daily duties can be a challenge to say the least. There are so many reasons why we may not be feeling our best on any given day. Lack of sleep, busy schedules, weather, bad news, improper nutrition, the list goes on and…

Love Magic: The Best Tools & Correspondence for Love Spells

· 'Where there is love, there is life.' ·

love witch, witch, witchcraft, love magic, love spells, love rituals, love correspondence

Roses are red, violets are blue, I radiate love, through and through. A simple little love spell perhaps? Well, it’s February and love magic is in the air! So, not everyone is a huge fan of Valentine’s Day but I say bring it on! I like to consider February love month. It’s a perfect time…

Imbolc Activities: 43 Ways to Honour Midwinter Magic

imbolc, imbolc activities, sabbat, pagan witch, pagan holiday, candlemas, midwinter, wheel of the year

Imbolc is a celebration all about hope, light, and new life. A Sabbat with much positivity and promise as we look forward to Spring. This energy is just what is needed to give that little motivational push to see us through these final weeks of winter. With each passing year I find myself more and more excited…

Magical Morning Rituals for Staying Positive in the Winter

morning rituals, wellness witch, holistic health, spiritual living, witch

We are mid-January at the moment and winter is most definitely in full gear. At this point in the season staying positive and beating the winter blues can be difficult. Creating morning rituals for yourself that induce a little positivity into your day can be just the thing to help get you through, and perhaps…

Vegan Eggnog Muffins for Yule: Simple, Festive, and Delicious!

eggnog muffins, vegan muffins, yule, yuletide, yule recipes, vegan baking, pagan, kitchen witch

You can’t have the holidays without a little eggnog! It is most definitely a Yuletide staple! I’ve been having some fun lately using this tasty holiday beverage in my baking. And what better way to enjoy eating eggnog than in a deliciously tasty vegan eggnog muffin. Yule is a magickal time filled with warmth, love, and…

Soul Cake Recipe for Samhain: Easy, Vegan, and Delicious

Samhain, soul cakes, kitchen witch, wheel of the year

Soul Cakes anyone? Samhain is easily one of the most, if not the most, anticipated holiday in the Wheel of the Year. And no Sabbat is complete without yummy eats, at least in my humble opinion! Few things say Samhain more than traditional, and oh so tasty, soul cakes. And to make things even better,…

Easy Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats for Success and Prosperity

kitchen witch, overnight oats, healthy breakfast, pumpkin spice, witch

What says Autumn more than tasty pumpkin spice everything? It’s most definitely an autumn staple that can be added to so much, including these delicious pumpkin spice overnight oats for an easy, healthy and tasty breakfast. Autumn is an absolute magical time of year and incorporating its unique flavours into your meals is an excellent way…

Mabon Activities: 42 Ways to Celebrate this Special Day

mabon, autumn equinox, wheel of the year, pagan, sabbat

Mabon, or the Autumn Equinox, is a most anticipated seasonal change! Mabon signifies that fall has officially arrived! A favourite season for many a witch. If you are still planning your Mabon/Autumn Equinox activities you’ll want to keep on reading. Mabon is the second harvest celebration of the year and coincides with the Autumn Equinox. This is…


I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.

witch, witchcraft, four elements, grimoire pages, grimoire printables, book of shadows, witch blog