crystal healing, crystal magic, crystal energy, witch, witchcraft, spirituality

The Best Crystals to Use for Energy and Motivation

· Be the energy you want to attract. ·

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Sometimes staying motivated or having enough energy to get through all of your daily duties can be a challenge to say the least. There are so many reasons why we may not be feeling our best on any given day. Lack of sleep, busy schedules, weather, bad news, improper nutrition, the list goes on and on. So yes, we have coffee but what else might we add into our daily routines for that little extra push we sometimes need?

The beautiful energy of crystals could be just what you need to win the day. Keep reading to find out some of the best crystals to use and ways you can add them into your daily routine.

Harnessing the Energy of Crystals

Crystals all hold their own natural energy which differs depending on its origins. Every single one is special, unique and can be used to improve our lives and overall wellbeing. 

Crystal healing is not new and they have been used for millennia for everything from bringing balance, to releasing negativity, and uplifting the spirit. And they have most definitely been having a shining moment in the spotlight over these past couple of years. Reaching for a crystal when you need a little assistance with something has become pretty normal practice.

And with good reason, connecting our own energies with these beautiful little gifts from the earth can brighten the mood, bring peace to the mind, and add a much needed dose of magic into our days. 

That being said, crystals will not benefit every person in the same way or to the same extent.  I believe we must be connected to ourselves, the earth, and the stones in order to garner the best results. We must be mindful and spend time connecting within ourselves and getting to know the crystals energy. A post for another day perhaps. Today we’ll go through some of the best crystals you may like to keep on hand for when you are feeling tired, unmotivated, or simply want to get a particularly kick ass workout into your day. So let’s get into it.

crystal healing, crystal magic, crystal energy, witch, witchcraft, spirituality

The Best Crystals for Energy & Motivation

Here are 10 crystals I like best for days when the energy is low or the goal of productivity is high. These all carry properties that lend themselves well to fostering an internal energy flow that will have you feeling good and ready to tackle that to do list

Aragonitestrength, balance, motivation, confidence

Bloodstonemotivation, confidence, courage

Carnelianstrength, happiness, motivation, energy, confidence 

Citrineinspiration, confidence, success, optimism, strength

Dalmation Jasperclarity, energy, transformation, exercise

Fluoritebalance, energy, exercise, clarity

Garnetmotivation, power, prosperity

Green Kyaniteprosperity, motivation, growth, transformation

Orange Kalciteconfidence, uplifting, energy, exercise

Pyritestrength, motivation, abundance, clarity, exercise

This is not an exhaustive list, there are certainly others that would work as well! These are just a few stars in the line-up and to give you some solid options for your practice.

How to Use Crystals for Energy & Motivation

You will likely develop your own favourite ways to harness these energies depending on the day and your own style. My favourite way is to wear the crystals as jewelry or carry one in your pocket or purse. This means the crystals and its energy are with you throughout the day, keeping close, and working with you. You could also do a crystal meditation to start the day, craft a crystal pouch or grid, or keep them in your spaces. There are so many options so experiment and see which ones work best for you.

It is also a good practice to enchant the crystal or perform a blessing and imbue the specific crystal with your intentions. This creates a connection to the stone letting it know your purpose and also allows your intention to be put out into the universe. 

Final musings.

Do you already enjoy using crystals for motivational purposes? Do you have nay regular daily rituals you perform with crystals? 

As always, I LOVE to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

Be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available now for pre-order. Pre-order by March 1st to get a very special Magical Bonus Bundle for free as my thank you to you!

And for more magical inspiration check out my shop page where you can find resource pages on everything from love magic to being a green witch, kitchen witchery, Sabbats, and much more! 

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Sending much love and blessings for a motivated and energetic day my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo