imbolc, imbolc activities, sabbat, pagan witch, pagan holiday, candlemas, midwinter, wheel of the year

Imbolc Activities: 43 Ways to Honour Midwinter Magic

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Imbolc is a celebration all about hope, light, and new life. A Sabbat with much positivity and promise as we look forward to Spring. This energy is just what is needed to give that little motivational push to see us through these final weeks of winter. With each passing year I find myself more and more excited for this midwinter celebration. That being said, if you are still planning your Imbolc activities you’ll want to keep on reading. 

Imbolc is the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, and one of the four Celtic Fire Festivals. However, even though Imbolc is one of the major Celtic festivals it often isn’t as anticipated as some of the others such as Beltane or Samhain. A slightly underrated holiday if you ask me! Lol. For more complete Imbolc details and correspondences, you may check out my full post HERE.

Imbolc Activities to Celebrate the Return of the Light.

This is a time to honour light and the return of the sun, a time for cleansing away the old and stepping forward with renewed energies.  An uplifting turn of the wheel as we wait and watch as nature begins to slowly spring to life all around us. 

Giving yourself even just a bit of  time to honour these holidays will strengthen your connection to nature and to your craft.  So here we go, 43 Imbolc activities that are easy, satisfying, and adaptable to help you plan your festivities for the day. Choose the one or ones that feel best for you.

February can be a bit of a tough month to get through here in the Northern Hemisphere and embracing this seasonal change can be just the thing to lift your energies and start your month off in a positive way. Okay, now on with the list!

imbolc, imbolc activities, sabbat, pagan witch, pagan holiday, candlemas, midwinter, wheel of the year

43 Magical Imbolc Activities to Honour the Day

  1. Get some winter blooms for your home
  2. Add Imbolc touches to your altar
  3. Write a journal entry about what Imbolc means to you
  4. Craft an abundance jar
  5. Plan your spring garden
  6. Craft a St. Brigid’s Cross
  7. Prepare a special Imbolc meal
  8. Do an Imbolc Oracle or Tarot card reading
  9. Light a candle to welcome back the light
  10. Bake seed cakes
  11. Wake with the sun
  12. Perform a sunrise meditation
  13. Burn incense of  Vanilla, Lavender, or Basil
  14. Do an onyx stone meditation
  15. Perform a house blessing
  16. Craft a simmer pot for hope
  17. Start your spring cleaning
  18. Craft a St. Brigid’s doll
  19. Enjoy an Imbolc tea blend
  20. Honour Goddess Brigid
  21. Wear the colours of Imbolc such as red, pink, yellow, or gold
  22. Practice fire scrying
  23. Craft an Imbolc oil or herb blend
  24. Make blackberry jam
  25. Journal Prompt: What fresh goals would you like to set for yourself as we move toward spring?
  26. Perform a cleansing ritual bath
  27. Give an offering to Brigid 
  28. Write out 3 affirmations that you will focus on this month
  29. Bake fresh bread
  30. Mix up an energy boosting magical mist
  31. Brew some apple cider
  32. Craft an intention setting jar
  33. Perform a releasing ritual
  34. Write out an Imbolc blessing of your own
  35. Take a walk outside and appreciate the fresh crisp air
  36. Perform a sunrise ritual
  37. Cleanse and charge your crystals
  38. Honour the animals and commit to having less animal products in your life
  39. Purge what no longer serves you
  40. Buy a new plant to nurture
  41. Perform a ritual for good health
  42. Diffuse lemon balm essential oil for happiness
  43. Give thanks and leave out an offering to the earth

So, how many will you do this Imbolc? Remember to enjoy every moment, soak up the positive light energy that fills the air, and make sure your celebration speaks to YOU and your practice. 

Final thoughts.

Do you have your Imbolc activities for the year planned out already? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Imbolc inspiration check out my shop page! My Imbolc Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more! And be sure to have a peek at my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available now for pre-order. 

And remember to SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Sending many Imbolc blessings my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo