kitchen witch, spell jar, witch jar, pagan, witch life, practical magic, house witch

Simple Spell Jar for Motivation & Positivity

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I don’t think I know a witch who doesn’t love crafting a good spell jar. They are extremely versatile and can be created with any intention in mind by carefully choosing your ingredients. Today, we are going to focus our efforts on putting together a spell jar for motivation and positivity.

Let’s face it,  it is often easy to lose some of these energies during our day to day routines. What better way to help us remember and bring some of these energies back into our life than through our magical  practice.

Welcoming in Some Motivational Energy

An extra dose of motivation, is always a most welcome thing and especially helpful when life throws you off your game. So, the start to my summer has been interesting and this year as a whole slightly challenging. A lot of 2 steps forward, 1 step back or sometimes 1 step forward and 2 steps back lol.

We all go through periods like this where there may be more obstacles than you would like or life throws you some curve balls making it hard to stay on track with your goals. 

It’s great at times like these to really lean into your practice and get that energy re-centred and moving in the right direction again. Enter this spell jar for motivation and positivity! My last couple of weeks have certainly motivated me to put one of these into practice and to share it with you all in this post. So let’s get started!

kitchen witch, spell jar, witch jar, pagan, witch life, practical magic, house witch

Spell Jar for Motivation & Positivity

Materials Needed:

  • Red candle for passion and drive

  • 1 tablespoon dried lemon balm for joy and confidence

  • 1 tablespoon dried patchouli for growth and success

  • 1 tablespoon dried peppermint for energy and motivation

  • Small jar with lid

  • 1 carnelian stone for motivation and confidence

  • 3 drops sweet orange essential oil for success, clarity, and positivity

  • 1 red string or ribbon, long enough to tie around the top of the jar. This will solidify your intentions and encourage vitality and courage moving forward.


  1. Cleanse, ground, and center as needed.
  2. Choose your workspace and gather your materials. Allow your mind to be at ease. Begin to think about your goals and your motivations for them. What are the reasons you want to reach this goal? Why is it important to you? Shift your thoughts to this goal oriented mind-frame.
  3. Sit comfortably to promote relaxation and calm. Take a deep breathe and light your candle.
  4. Clear your head and focus your mind on feelings of joy, success, motivation, and how amazing it will feel when these intentions are manifested into your life.
  5. Add each herb individually into your jar. See in your minds eye inner energy that as driven and optimistic. Visualize these energies surrounding your entire body in a beautiful golden hue, infusing you with the motivation to move forward and the certainty of success. Visualize yourself reaching your goals. What will this look like for you? Include as much detail as you can in your visualization.
  6. Now add in your carnelian stone and essential oil. Recite the following: ‘I am motivated, I am strong. Feelings of doubt, are now long gone. Drive and passion fill up my heart. The time has come for this spell to start.’
  7. Close up your jar and tie your red string in a bow around the top of the jar.
  8. Place your jar in front of your candle and focus on the flame through the glass. Keep your visualization strong in your mind. Say, “I am motivated and will reach all of my goals.” You may now extinguish your flame.

Place the jar in a place of prominence or power such as your work space or altar.


Do you like to create spell jars in your practice? Do you have any go to materials?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my Shop Page where you’ll find my Summer Kitchen Witch E-book and tons of resource pages for your grimoire and to use in your own practice.

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Summer season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo