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Embrace your inner magick. From sabbats to rituals, kitchen magick to crystals, and everything in between.

Litha Activities: 42 Ways To Celebrate the Summer Solstice

litha, litha activities, sabbat, pagan witch, pagan holiday, summer solstice, wheel of the year

Summer Solstice is once again upon us! An energizing and joyful  turn of the wheel that is a much anticipated season for many. If you are still planning your Litha activities you’ll want to keep on reading. The Summer Solstice, or Litha, is the first day of summer, and the longest day of the year. For more…

Easy Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats for Wealth & Stability

kitchen witch, kitchen witchery, witch, overnight oats, holistic nutrition, easy breakfast

What is an easier or more satisfying breakfast than overnight oats? Pretty much nothing if you want my humble opinion lol.  Add in peanut butter and chocolate and you have a nutritious and decadent morning meal. It’s most definitely a household staple, especially in the warmer months of the year and it’s now officially spring!  So…

How to Use Essential Oils in Your Witchcraft Practice

kitchen witch, cottage witch, hearth witch, green witch, witch, witchcraft, spells, essential oil magic

Essential oils are an extremely versatile element that every witch should have in their magical toolbox. At least a few anyways because there are so many wonderful options to choose from!  This post is all about getting you started and giving you a bit of inspiration for adding essential oils into your  own witchcraft practice. …

Simple and Effective Herb Sachets for Protection

green witch, herbs sachets, protection magic, witch, witchcraft, spells, herb magic

We all want to feel protected, both in the physical realm and within our own energetic realm. Herb sachets are a wonderful tool for a witch to utilize when they require a little extra help in these areas. Herb sachets are easy to put together and can be made for a plethora of reasons from…

Love Magic: The Best Tools & Correspondence for Love Spells

· 'Where there is love, there is life.' ·

love witch, witch, witchcraft, love magic, love spells, love rituals, love correspondence

Roses are red, violets are blue, I radiate love, through and through. A simple little love spell perhaps? Well, it’s February and love magic is in the air! So, not everyone is a huge fan of Valentine’s Day but I say bring it on! I like to consider February love month. It’s a perfect time…

Imbolc Activities: 43 Ways to Honour Midwinter Magic

imbolc, imbolc activities, sabbat, pagan witch, pagan holiday, candlemas, midwinter, wheel of the year

Imbolc is a celebration all about hope, light, and new life. A Sabbat with much positivity and promise as we look forward to Spring. This energy is just what is needed to give that little motivational push to see us through these final weeks of winter. With each passing year I find myself more and more excited…

Mabon Activities: 42 Ways to Celebrate this Special Day

mabon, autumn equinox, wheel of the year, pagan, sabbat

Mabon, or the Autumn Equinox, is a most anticipated seasonal change! Mabon signifies that fall has officially arrived! A favourite season for many a witch. If you are still planning your Mabon/Autumn Equinox activities you’ll want to keep on reading. Mabon is the second harvest celebration of the year and coincides with the Autumn Equinox. This is…

Lammas Activities: 41 Ways to Celebrate this Special Day

Lammas, Lughnasadh, pagan witch, wheel of the year, sabbat, pagan holiday

Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is a turn of the wheel filled with blessings and gratitude! Lammas is one of the four Celtic Fire Festivals and a much anticipated day in the Pagan calendar. If you are still planning your Lammas/Lughnasadh activities you’ll want to keep on reading. Lammas is the first harvest celebration of the year, followed by…