10 Simple Steps to a Happier Life

There are certain days of the year where we start to think about life and where ours has taken us. Birthdays for example.

Are we where we wanted to be? Are we where we thought we’d be at this point? Have we achieved happiness? I suppose usually the answer is no. There always seems to be more that we want.

I’ve never felt birthdays this way though, they always feel a bit magickal. It is almost like New Year’s where it seems the perfect time for a fresh start. New year, new you! That kind of thing. 

Well, I’ve been thinking about things slightly more than usual passing my last birthday. I have been trying very hard in life to embrace each moment, appreciate every single thing and just be happy.

These 10 things I’m sharing below have taken time to sink in. They may also come off as obvious but truly when we are in the midst of life, they are far too easy to forget.

A Snap Shot

A lot has happened in my first 36 years of life…I’ve had many jobs, attended college, moved cities a couple of times, got married, had a beautiful baby boy, was a homeowner, got divorced, opened a business, got married again, survived breast cancer, went back to school, and so much more lol.

So yes, they have been full, and filled with everything from euphoric happiness to complete despair. One thing though that has been pretty consistent, I hold myself back from that blissful happiness that eludes so many of us.

Now I have had tons of joy in my first 36 years and so many blessings. But still, I was left wanting. Many of us are, even though we have so much.

I would think that all too common thing; I’ll be totally happy just as soon as…..(fill in the blank here). As soon as, I lose 10 lbs, make more money, have more free time, land that perfect job, etc. We all do this at some point. We let our blessings, our moments, our days pass us by while we are wishing for that other thing. And so it is, the vicious cycle of wishing our lives away.

A Little Perspective on Happiness

So what I have been really working on and striving for these days is to simplify my life, focus on the blessings and, for goddess sakes, embracing the art of letting shit go. I have entered my 37th year with these things in the forefront of my mind and feeling more free already. Because well, I’ll be damned if I end up sitting here 20 years from now before my 57th birthday (goddess willing) and still feeling anxious, stressed, and not embracing every bloody moment of this wonderful roller coaster ride called life.

Are you with me? No matter what your age it is never too late (or too early!) to keep these 10 gems in mind for a lighter, happier, more awake version of yourself.

1. Sweating the Small Stuff Will Make You Sick

Seriously, the amount we worry about shit that just doesn’t matter is completely & utterly exhausting. It is a time suck, energy suck, damaging to our health, and oh so useless. If it is something out of your control, make peace with it. Something you can change? Then put on those big girl pants and deal with that shit. You’ll feel so much better once you do!

2. Decluttering is Gold

That’s right, declutter, and I am not just talking about your closet. I mean everything. Your home, your mind, your life. This includes the 10 year old clothes in your closet, that stuff we just talked about in number 1 and those toxic people you quite frankly don’t need in your life. All of these things drain the life out of your life! The stuff you never have space for, that credit card that keeps calling you, and the drama filled friend that is like an energy vampire. Everything must go. Start small but you can start today. As things go, you will literally feel yourself getting lighter and brighter.

3. Counting Calories is Crazy

Oh my god, please do stop this. This is such an unnecessary waste of time (and I have spent hours upon hours doing this too!). Commit yourself to feeding your body real, natural, whole foods instead. Which, by the way, is far more important than how many calories you eat at breakfast. If you eat this way, there is no need to count anything. You will be healthier and feel fabulous for it. And isn’t that what it’s all about? Feeling great and treating your body with the respect it deserves. Calories can take a walk and you can decide what to do with that time you just freed up.

4. There is Something to be Said for Morning Hours

Now some of you may scoff at me here lol. And trust me, I feel ya. I am not a morning person by nature. But I have worked office jobs for large parts of my life and have a child that needs to get to school, so, hello mornings! I have reached a point though where I truly enjoy my morning hours. There is something magickal about nature at this hour. The air, the sunshine, the stillness of it all; there is a specialness to be appreciated. Develop a little morning ritual that has you excited to start your day.

5. Diet Culture is Insanity

This ties in with number 3. Stop dieting! Cabbage soup, low carb, low fat, stop the insanity. When you are feeding your body well there is no need to diet. And you should be feeding it all it needs. Now, the whole don’t diet thing is absolutely not a pass to just starting eating your way through every little whim and craving, no. It means, if we all feed our bodies vitamin rich, wholesome foods, diets would not be needed. So, moderation, eat well, satisfy the occasional craving and you’re good to go. And the kicker? The better you eat the less you’ll crave all the crap you crave now.

6. Mother Earth Deserves Our Love

Getting older, you start to realize the things that really matter and those that don’t. One thing that does is our beloved planet and we’re killing her. We assume the resources will always be there but really, they won’t. Take action now, commit yourself and live mindfully. Use less resources, recycle, eat less meat (or no meat, even better!). There are many ways we can show we care. Knowing you are doing all you can to help the environment is a special kind of satisfaction. We can all make a difference.

7. Comparing Yourself to Others Is Bullshit – Stop it.

Embrace the beautifully unique creature that is you. You are amazing! And deserve so much. We are incredibly unkind to ourselves and in ways we would never be with others. One of the worst things is playing the comparison game; they are prettier, smarter, more successful, blah, blah, blah. The list goes on. We are not all competitors in this game of life. We are individuals and you have nobody to impress or be better than except yourself.

8. That Job that Sucks Your Soul? Is Not Worth it.

Therefore, it’s time to ditch it. Or at least make a plan to. Most of us can’t just up and leave our job on a whim. We have responsibilities and those responsibilities require money. However, there are always options. Life is short, much too short to slave away at a job that makes you miserable.

Not sure what you want to do? Brainstorm. Think about the things you love, your hobbies, and how you can turn them into income. Or perhaps there has been something you’ve been wanting to go back to school for but thought you couldn’t. Well guess what, you can! It is never too late to do this. Find out what has to be done to make it a reality and get started.

9. Live More Naturally

The chemicals and toxins we are surrounded by today is mind-blowing. I mean really…wtf. What are we doing? Time to cut the crap. The concept of convenience is killing us and living naturally is not more difficult. It just requires a couple of changes in routine and most importantly, in our mindset. There is no downside to adopting a more natural lifestyle. Really, once you begin, you’ll likely only wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. The good feels you’ll get when you know you are making better choices for yourself and your family are second to none. For a bit on how to get started, check out my post: 10 Steps to Natural Living.

10. Always go for the Experience

Yes, experiences. Life is all about experiences, they are priceless. Travel, try new things or repeat old beloved adventures as often as you can. These things trump a new car or that fancy hand bag every time. We are a human race that does not need more stuff, we have so much useless stuff! The experiences, however, are irreplaceable. There is nothing like discovering a new country. And, while you maybe can’t do travel right now,  there are lots of other options! Check out a new neighbourhood in your city, take a day trip, try a new restaurant, these are all happiness inducing, enriching experiences. So, if budget is an issue (raises hand), allocate those dollars wisely. Then decide, what new experience will you have today?

Moral of the Story

Now, are we feeling ready to let the silliness go and embrace life? I hope so, or I have utterly failed at the purpose of this post lol. You don’t have to dive in on all 10 of these things of course. If even one speaks to you, my job is done. To sum up, embrace life, love yourself, love what you do, be grateful and don’t sweat the small stuff. If you take anything from this, take that.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, have an experience, quit that job, build an action plan or clean out your closet. It’s a brand new day, make it count. Create a weekend dedicated to making your life better, simpler and less stressful. It is time to create your happiness!

And that is all for now dolls. I’m off to begin my weekend of birthday celebrations and I have to say I am pretty stoked to begin my 34th year!

Reach Out

So, what are some things you live by? Any happiness advice or tips you’d like to share? As always, I love to hear from you. Leave a comment, check out my social media or message me! I am ridiculously easy to find 😉

Interested in learning more about natural living and adding a touch of magick to your life? SUBSCRIBE  and receive my full Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide complete with Toxins to Toss Checklist & Wholesome Shopping List. Also, as an added bonus, you’ll get my Fab Face Serum Mixology Chart. My little thank you to you for being so very awesome.

Sending extra blessings pixies.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo


  1. Cynthia Bruggner

    October 26, 2017

    Thank you for this “The Wholesome Witch” blog!
    Now, I am a 70 y/o “young” woman who has been searching………….
    I relate to you, you cute little girl! I too have issues with dieting and trying to lose weight. I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder and depression. I hate it. I try to stop worrying, but, it seems that there is so much to worry about! My Mom (92 y/o) and my grown children. My ex who is so verbally abusive to me and has a terrible temper towards me. Anyway, even though I’m old, I can learn new things and I think this site/blog can help me. Thank you for this! Cindy

    • Krystle

      October 30, 2017

      Hi Cynthia! Thank you so much for visiting the blog! Aww, you are so sweet and I am so very happy that you have enjoyed the posts so far and that they can be even a little part of your journey. We can truly always be learning or seeing things in new ways that is for certain. I can relate to you on many of those things you listed above. I am so happy to meet you and am looking forward to connecting more along the way <3 Samhain Blessings & Happy Halloween lovely. 🙂

  2. Rosemary

    July 20, 2017

    Love your blog. Filled with common sense and much needed reminders. You are a fresh breeze and ever so welcoming.

    • Krystle

      July 20, 2017

      Hi Rosemary
      Aww, thank you so much for your lovely comment 🙂 I am thrilled that you are enjoying it. Thank you so much for reading! Sending bright blessings to you <3

  3. Chelsie

    May 12, 2017

    Love this! Feeling a good purge coming on!!! 😀

    • Krystle Jordan

      May 13, 2017

      Hi Chelsie! Excellent, lol. I am really happy you found it inspiring 😀 Purging feels so good! Thank you so much for reading <3

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