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What is a Kitchen Witch? And how to become one.

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A small stone cottage sits alone at the far edge of town, vines wrapping up the sides, wild flowers cover the front but for a narrow stone walkway, and a lush garden full of fresh veggies and herbs engulf the back. Perhaps a cat purposely crosses the lawn and lays down to bathe in the sun. The home of the town wise woman, the healer, the kitchen witch.

We all know this house and can picture it in our minds. It’s the resident witch house, with the stories and lore to go with it. This is the fantasy, the mythology, what we want the witches house to look like. Hell it’s the one I want to live in one day lol.

But what does the life of a kitchen witch really look like? And indeed what makes a kitchen witch in this modern day world we live in?

Bringing me to the topic of our post, what exactly is a kitchen witch.

What is a kitchen witch?

Now you may think of  kitchen witch and think of a woman, whipping up all of the magickal concoctions in the kitchen. One with abilities  to grow her own herbs and food, and can expertly make everything from freshly baked bread to cakes, with a home in tip top shape perfectly clean and magickally balanced. Well, yes and no lol.

A kitchen witch, sometimes thought of as a cottage or hearth witch, does indeed create most of their magick within hearth and home.

They work with herbs, put intention and magick into meals, knows that everything carries energy from the herbs that make tea, to the carrots on their dinner plate.

Magick is weaved into domestic tasks with ease and everything is done with intention and purpose.

Crystals are placed with care around the home to create a peaceful energy, a broom is left by the door for protection, and sage is sprinkled across the entryway to keep out negative visitors. One is also deeply in tune, and connected to nature, and all of its beings.

Thanks are given to Mother Earth, and life is lived mindfully and sustainably. Most assuredly a kitchen witch is a domestic goddess in their own right.

Can you be a kitchen witch?

But of course, you can! Kitchen Witchery is for all who it calls out to.

What being a kitchen witch doesn’t mean, however, is that you need to be Martha Stewart. So please don’t feel like you haven’t the domestic skills to take on the title.

You don’t need to be able to create a Pinterest perfect cake or have a home completely free of dust to be a kitchen witch.

I for one am no Martha Stewart lol. My cakes are tasty but never look Pinterest ready and my home is tidy, but hardly dust free. I also don’t like spending hours slaving over a meal. I am more of a baker than a cooker really. I’m not gonna lie to you!

But most certainly I still consider myself a kitchen witch. It’s not about being a master of all things in the kitchen and your home. It’s about your energy, intentions, and whether or not the term resonates with you.

And of course, having the willingness to learn. Learn how to infuse your lunchtime salad with an energy you wish to manifest, learn how to put up protections, to cleanse negativity, and how to create teas and tinctures from herbs. It’s not mandatory that you do all of those things, they are but examples.

You will carve out your own path of kitchen witchery that feels right to you in time.

What About Gender or Religion?

It absolutely doesn’t matter your gender, your religion, whether you consider yourself Pagan, or if you follow the sabbats.

The kitchen witch path, or any witch path for that matter is open to all. And we are all individuals and do things in our own special and magickal ways.

Do you love working with herbs and oils, making your breakfast smoothie one that manifests a successful day, and having a lot of your magickal intentions focused around the home?

OR you connect with the idea of these things even if you have no idea where to start. Then you might feel good taking on the term Kitchen Witch, even one in training. We are all continuously learning and evolving our craft.

With a little effort, thirst for knowledge, and focused intention anyone can be a kitchen witch truly. And you don’t have to confine yourself to a box. You can be a green kitchen witch, a traditional kitchen witch, a solitary eclectic kitchen witch, you get the idea lol.

It’s okay to have more than one type of witch that resonates. I have a few that I relate with as well. You can have several, or just one, and that’s okay. There are no rules here.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, witch life, cottage witch, magical living, witches

Where does a kitchen witch live?

Anywhere and everywhere! Though some of us may dream of that picture I painted in the beginning of this post, that isn’t for everyone. And it’s certainly not the norm.

Kitchen witches live in suburban houses, farmhouses in the country, small apartments, and downtown condos in big cities.

Where you live has nothing to do with what kind of witch you want to be. 

How to be a kitchen witch in modern times

The reality is things aren’t the way they used to be. Society isn’t as connected to nature as it once was.

Most of us don’t grow all our own food or make a poultice for an ailment.

A modern day kitchen witch may have an office job during the day, be running her kids to soccer practice in the evening, and have to buy her herbs instead of wild foraging or growing them herself. These scenarios are normal to modern day life, and that’s okay.

There are lots of ways we can embrace our inner kitchen witch. Even if we aren’t growing everything we eat, or living in that little cottage at the edge of the wood.

Kitchen witchery in itself is truly a wonderful way to connect with the earth and add a some magick into tasks that are normally considered mundane.

5 elements to Begin Your Kitchen Witch Journey

Eat whole foods that are close to the earth.

This deepens our connection to our food and to the place it comes from. Nature.

Try to shop local.

Frequent farmers markets, or purchase directly from farms if they are accessible to you. That is if you are not growing your own.

I’m not able to grow things for myself at the moment, but do try to hit up the farmers markets and eat as seasonally as I can.

Live green.

As in try to have a sustainable lifestyle as much as you can. We all need to be kinder to mother earth. And I feel as witches we have an extra responsibility to try our best to tread lightly. This applies to any witch really, not just kitchen witches.

Give your home a cleansing.

Both literally and spiritually. Give your space a thorough cleaning. Refresh it and prepare it to be transformed into your warm, magickal abode.

This is a process, so don’t think it needs to be done overnight. Take your time with it.

Focus on sweeping away the negativity in your space as you clean, or burn Sage and Rosemary to cleanse away the negative energies and make way for a new beginning.

Turn your kitchen into a sacred space.

Clean and organize your surroundings so that it feels fresh. This is the heart of your home and the heart of your practice after all.

And, in my opinion, this includes the food in your cupboards. Ditch the overly processed and refined foods to make way for more wholesome, nutrient dense foods from the earth.

Transform your space into one that you feel inspired to create in. The goal is of course to have our entire home be a magickal and sacred space. The kitchen is an excellent place to start.

Begin to learn your herbs and spices

Start to learn about different herbs and spices. Learn what remedies can be made with them, what their magickal properties are, and how you can transfer those energies into your foods. 

It’s all about focus, intention, and the desire to manifest. But we need to know what to use and when as well.

Summing up

We can all be kitchen witches. Religion doesn’t matter, gender doesn’t matter, and where you live just does not matter.

We are all magickal beings and how we choose to work that magick is completely up to us.

If you are just starting out on your journey begin with some of the steps I mentioned above.

And remember, this is a lifelong path and learning process. You will not become the wise old kitchen witch overnight, and you should want to.

Learning and discovering what calls out to you is part of the adventure.

Embrace learning, embrace the aspects of kitchen witchery that tug at your inner spirit, and embrace your own magickal gifts.

You will know them when you find them.

So what do you think?

Are you feeling the kitchen witch vibes? And if you already consider yourself one, do you have any favourite aspects of the craft?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials  🙂

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Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo