Samhain, Samhain ritual, witch, sabbat, wheel of the year, witch blog

Samhain Ritual: Setting New Intentions and Clearing Negativity

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Samhain is but days away and you may still be trying to plan your ritual activities. So for today’s post I am sharing an easy and effective intention setting ritual for Samhain.

Samhain is also the beginning of a new spiritual year, sometimes called the Witches New Year. This makes it a perfect time to focus those intentions on new goals and the things you would most like to achieve in the coming weeks and months.

And with this year also being on the same night as the Full Blue Moon, intention setting and clearing away past negativity will definitely be on my list of magickal workings for the day.

With the energies of these two elements combined you will surely be able to work some of your most powerful magick of the year on this day so choose your rituals wisely.

I would recommend focusing on the things you consider most important for your life at this moment in time and don’t hold back!

Samhain, Samhain ritual, witch, sabbat, wheel of the year, witch blog

Samhain Intention Setting Ritual

Gather for your altar or work space:

  • Small Glass Jar with Lid
  • Lavender Incense
  • One White Candle
  • Bloodstone, Onyx, and Carnelian Stones
  • Dried Sage, Patchouli, and Rosemary
  • Salt
  • White Ribbon or Thread
  • 3 drops Ginger Essential Oil
  • Pen and Paper

Samhain Ritual Steps

  1. Sit comfortably in your space and take a moment to center yourself.
  2. Light your candles and incense.
  3. Focus your mind on your most important intentions for the coming months.
  4. Breathe slow and deep and visualize yourself achieving these goals successfully. Imagine you are inhaling  positivity and exhaling negativity.
  5. Take your herbs and add them one by one into your glass jar. Amounts are up to you.
  6. Then add in your salt.
  7. Add each stone and then your ribbon or thread.
  8. Now add the three drops of ginger essential oil
  9. Take your paper, write down your top three goals and recite them out loud three times.
  10. Fold the paper into three and add it into your jar. Seal jar with lid.
  11. Focus your intentions throughout and stay in your visualization until you feel your work is complete.
  12. For an extra energy boost bring the jar outside to charge under the Samhain Full Moon overnight.
  13. In the morning retrieve the jar and place it on your altar, or in a special place, until you feel ready to set new intentions. You can then repeat the ritual if you’d like.

Final thoughts

Take your time with the ritual and don’t rush. Try to fully feel yourself reaching these milestones you have set for yourself. And paint a clear picture of what your life will look like when you do.

Putting these thoughts and intentions out into the universe in a positive way is a most powerful kind of magick.

Then of course as we most forward into November 1st and beyond be willing to show up, get out there, and take the necessary steps to make these goals and dreams a reality.

Using our magick to shift energies and assist us in shaping our world doesn’t mean the magick will just manifest things for you while you sit back and relax lol. We still need to be willing to do the work to make it happen. The magick just happens to be a key element in making it all come together.

Samhain Printable Grimoire Collection

If you enjoyed the ritual and want to learn more about Samhain rituals and celebrations you can pick up my Samhain Printable Grimoire Collection from my SHOP.

You will receive this full ritual beautifully illustrated and print ready along with correspondences, history and traditions, oil blend, magickal Samhain recipe, ways to celebrate and more!

All perfectly pretty and ready to be printed and added to your grimoire or book of shadows, or to simply have on hand for easy reference.

Your turn! Tell me your Samhain wishes!

Have you planned your Samhain rituals yet? Do you have anything on your magickal list that you simply must accomplish this Samhain?

I always love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line, or connect with me on socials.

And if you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE , receive your Mini Autumn Grimoire Bundle for FREE, and be the first to know about new content and exclusive freebies!

Samhain Blessings pixie dolls. 

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo